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Meeting house

Dr. Gil’s Love-centered Meeting House

The General Approach to the Love-centered Meeting House

There are Six Components to

Dr. Gil’s 15-week Training Program

Component One: Overview

Dr. Gil presents  A video presents Overview – 2 minutes 

Component Two: Assignments for the Week

Dr. Gil presents an overview of the Assignments for the Week and highlights the sequential and integrative aspects of each step – 15 to 20 minutes

Component Three: Question/Answer Time

Question/Answer Time – 3 to 5 minutes

Component Four: New Idea Exploration

New Idea Exploration – 2 minutes

Component Five: Members of the Satellite Meeting House

Read the assignments – complete the activities – meditate!
Each member of the satellite Meeting House thoroughly reads one or two of the daily Inspirational Readings EVERY DAY.
These four expectations lead toward a successful experience when reading the assignments and completing the activities:

Component Six: Satellite Meeting Houses

Satellite Meeting House members meet to discuss and rationally, kindly, and openly debate the life insights presented for the week – 30 to 120 minutes, or more
Summary of

Dr. Gil’s Love-centered Meeting House

Gathering Place

This is a gathering place for all God-loving individuals.

Teachers and Guides

Dr. Gil is a teacher and guide. He studied the human spirit – human understanding for 50+ years and the spiritual realm for 25+ years. Dr. Gil is your Education Teacher!
Jesus, a first century Jewish rabbi is a teacher and guide. All God-loving religious and spiritual beliefs are acknowledged! Jesus is your Spiritual Teacher!

Our Divided Nation

Our nation is divided. Individuals from the conservative religious/political Right and from the moderate and progressive Left are suffering from fear, anger, and judgments.

The Love Cure

The only cure for the fear/anger/judgment dis-ease that so often becomes an addiction to fear, anger and judgment is LOVE! There are three interweaving circles of LOVE: love for your inner Self; love for all your neighbors; and, love for a loving God. You need to learn how to love your inner Self. You need to Strengthen your inner Self.

Your External Focus

You have been conditioned to externally react (act without rational thinking and self-awareness) to your external world of people, places, things, data, ideas, events, life situations, religious dogma, political rhetoric. Sometimes you emotionally react to life situations with love, joy, comfort, and happiness; and, sometimes with fear, anger, confusion, irritability, arrogance, insecurity, discomfort, and more.
Sometimes deeply-felt feelings of sadness, anxiety, and dread permeate your emotional/mental/spiritual being.
Without knowledge about human and spiritual understanding, you can become fragile and vulnerable to life’s external forces. The worst part is that so many of us have become addicted to fear and anger. Individuals who are addicted to fear and anger seek information that feeds-their-fires-of-fear-and-anger!

Your External / Internal Balance

The Meeting House teaches, guides, supports, and transcends, bringing love and sunshine and hope into the hearts of those participating. Love-centered Meeting Houses gather to learn, discuss, and debate concepts presented in Quiet Resistance: Self-knowledge, Spiritual Knowledge, Living Knowledge written by Dr. Gil Gockley (2021) and through Dr. Gil’s weekly Podcast.
There are eleven sequential and integrated steps for becoming a rational, loving, and value-centered individual.

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