Component Five: Members of the Satellite Meeting House
Read the assignments – complete the activities – meditate!
Each member of the satellite Meeting House thoroughly reads one or two of the daily Inspirational Readings EVERY DAY.
These four expectations lead toward a successful experience when reading the assignments and completing the activities:
- Underline with a red pen the most important messages you want to remember
- Write notes on the borders of the page that highlight the messages you want to remember, such asWOW! Love this! Share with others! Favorite! Really?
- Thoroughly complete all the activities that are presented in the manual
- Meditate; and, or contemplate with your inner Self in the presence of a loving God EVERY DAY Reading for 10 to 15 minutes every day; and, meditating or contemplating for 20 minutes every day
Component Six: Satellite Meeting Houses
Satellite Meeting House members meet to discuss and rationally, kindly, and openly debate the life insights presented for the week – 30 to 120 minutes, or more