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For ordering copies of Quiet Resistance: Self-knowledge, Spiritual Knowledge, Living Knowledge, send a check or money order to Gil Gockley, P.O. Box 205, Webster, NY 14580
Write to Gil Gockley about book prices for individuals living in different countries.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to support individuals in the process of reaching the fullest possible blossoming of human potentiality through learning theĀ  Quite Resistance: self-knowledge, spiritual knowledge, and living knowledge presented through eleven sequential, integrated steps for gaining total wellness and spiritual wholeness. Our Mission is to guide individuals through well-researched experiences that culminate in the acquisition of inner goodness, being in-love, and walking in the Light of God.

Our Aim

Our Aim is to support individuals who choose to become better neighbors and to become better citizens; to find within themselves a center of strength; and, to live two Jesus-centered, God-loving commands – – to love God with all your heart and to love all your neighbors as you love yourself! Our Aim is to challenge individuals to act upon The Golden Rule, treating others the way they want to be treated; The Cornerstones of Love – – decency, integrity, dignity, and civility; and, the spiritual messages and parables of Jesus.

Our Aim

Our Aim is to support individuals who choose to become better neighbors and to become better citizens; to find within themselves a center of strength; and, to live two Jesus-centered, God-loving commands – – to love God with all your heart and to love all your neighbors as you love yourself! Our Aim is to challenge individuals to act upon The Golden Rule, treating others the way they want to be treated; The Cornerstones of Love – – decency, integrity, dignity, and civility; and, the spiritual messages and parables of Jesus.

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